I had an enjoyable chat last night with Katy Steinmetz of Time.com about this yearly festival of punctuation (you can read her article on the subject here), but of arguably even greater importance is that the Shady Characters book is exactly one year old today! Happy birthday to it! (Or to me. How does that work, exactly?) Also, what better day than today, then, to reveal the cover of the forthcoming paperback edition?

The paperback will be published on October 20th — just in time for Christmas, I might add — and you can pre-order your copy in the US from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound or Powell’s. And of course, Shady Characters is still available in electronic form from the Apple iBookstore.
Happy National Punctuation Day!
Comment posted by Ruben Verborgh on
Congratulations! I found this book a couple of weeks ago, and I absolutely love it. Great combination of typographical marvels and historical trivia. If only there were more shady characters!
Comment posted by Keith Houston on
Hi Ruben — I’m glad you enjoyed the book! There are plenty more shady characters out there, and I’d love to do a follow-up at some point.