A post from Shady Characters

Win tickets to “The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration” at the St Bride Foundation, London

It’s almost here! As I mentioned before, I’ll be giving a talk at the St Bride Foundation in London on the 23rd of March — just a couple of weeks away now. I’ll be talking about the overlapping histories of writing, printing and books, and signing some books of my own afterwards. Tickets are on sale at £12.50 (£8).

But. But! If you’d like the chance to attend for free, courtesy of the St Bride Foundation, I’m giving away two complimentary tickets to the event. To enter, just do one of the following:

  • leave a comment on this post, making sure to supply a valid email address so that I can contact you in the event that you win, or
  • reply to or retweet the tweet announcing this contest, making sure to follow @shadychars so that I can send you a direct message if you win. (Please don’t create multiple accounts or repeatedly reply to the message — Twitter may ban you as a result. One entry is fine!)

This contest will close at noon GMT on Sunday 19th March 2017, so make sure you enter before then. After that I’ll pick two winners from the list of all unique entrants and make sure their names are on the guest list for the event. (Of course, please enter only if you can make it to London in time for the event.)

Good luck!

The image featured above is Q450.5, “A Noble Fragment being a leaf of the Gutenberg Bible, 1450-1455, verso and recto”, courtesy of Rare Books & Manuscripts Department, Boston Public Library.

4 comments on “Win tickets to “The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration” at the St Bride Foundation, London

  1. Comment posted by Scott Pack on

    This sounds like a good excuse to come up to London and listen to someone chat about books.

    So count me in!

  2. Comment posted by Jan on

    Is this BYOB?

  3. Comment posted by Sara Leydon on

    I’d attend, but alas, I’m in Canada. As always, I look forward to reading the Shady Characters blog.

  4. Comment posted by Sarah Wilson on

    Your talk at St Brides sounds great. Love to be able to come along.

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