I’m pleased to say that the first translated edition of The Book is now available: Książka* is published in Poland by Karakter and is available there in all good bookshops. Paweł Lipszyc was the translator.

If you’d like to learn more about The Book (or rather Książka), you can read my interview on the occasion of its publication with Zofia Zaleska of Dwutygodnik. Alternatively, you can take a look at Juliusz Kurkiewicz’s review for Gazeta Wyborcza or Jakub Nowak’s review for his blog Qbuś pożera książki — which translates, aptly, as “Qbus devours books”.
Thank you to everyone involved in making the Polish edition happen: Laurie Abkemeier and others at DeFiore and Company; Karakter and book/lab in Poland. I think it looks great, and, if you happen to buy a copy, I hope you enjoy it!
- *
- Props to Sindre Bremnes of Monokrom type foundry, whose Satyr and Faunus typefaces deal so well with all the accented Polish letters here. You can read more about them here. ↢
Comment posted by Trevor Peach on
Congratulations! It is entirely appropriate that this excellent book should have a Polish translation, since printing was established in Poland not very long, perhaps a decade, after Gutenberg produced his first editions over the border.
Comment posted by Keith Houston on
Thanks! And yes, I’m glad too that there’s a Polish edition.