A post from Shady Characters

Empire of the Sum extracted in Lapham’s Quarterly

U.S. Census Bureau staff using Hollerith electrical tabulator
U.S. Census Bureau staff using Hollerith electrical tabulator. (Public domain image courtesy of the Library of Congress.)

If you’d like to get a flavour of Empire of the Sum, check out this extract in Lapham’s Quarterly! It’s taken from the first chapter of the book, and, spoiler alert, it has nothing to do with the image (above) they’ve chosen to illustrate it — although Hollerith’s machines do make an appearance later in the book, and, coincidentally enough, I wrote about them a few years back in the context of the Monotype machine. Everything old is new again!

2 comments on “Empire of the Sum extracted in Lapham’s Quarterly

  1. Comment posted by Elsa Louise on

    Reading your words made me feel as if I were on an excursion, led by a most entertaining guide. Your writerly voice is beyond charming. The way you concluded by eloquently weaving in the element of time was deft and and wholly unexpected. Well done!

    1. Comment posted by Keith Houston on

      Thank you! That’s very kind of you to say. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book too!

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