A post from Shady Characters

Nominate Shady Characters for Best Grammar Blog of 2011

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Shady Characters has been longlisted for Grammar.net’s Best Grammar Blog of 2011. The nomination process closes on September 25th so if you think we should make the shortlist, vote for Shady Characters at the nomination page soon! and Shady Characters has now made the cut. Voting begins on 26th September — thanks to all those who voted to nominate us, and I hope you’ll vote for us again on the 26th!

2 comments on “Nominate Shady Characters for Best Grammar Blog of 2011

  1. Comment posted by Andy Wilson on

    Congratulations on being nominated! You have my vote.

    1. Comment posted by Keith Houston on

      Hi Andy — thanks! It looks like Shady Characters has now been successfully nominated. Voting proper starts on the 26th of September, so fingers crossed!

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