A post from Shady Characters

Win the Empire of the Sum audio book!

The Empire of the Sum audio book is out now, narrated by Elliot Fitzpatrick, and this is your chance to win one of four (four!) free copies at audiobooks.com. To enter, leave a comment on this post with a valid email address so that I can contact you in the event that you win.

The sun rises behind a pocket calculator, whose display reads "07734"
The cover of Empire of the Sum.

To receive your prize, you’ll need an account at audiobooks.com. audiobooks.co.uk also works, but I can’t guarantee that non-US, non-UK winners will be able to redeem their download code — although equally, I have no evidence to say they won’t be able to redeem them, either.

The con­test will close at noon UK time on Sunday 19th November 2023, so make sure you enter be­fore then. After that I’ll pick four win­ners from the list of all unique entrants, and I’ll get in touch with a code to access your copy via audiobooks.com. See below for terms and conditions, and good luck!

Terms and conditions

  • The prizes are four codes to access the audio edition of Empire of the Sum: The Rise and Reign of the Pocket Calculator at audiobooks.com, with one code awarded per winner.
  • Codes may work only audiobooks.com and audiobooks.co.uk. There are no substitutions for non-working codes.
  • Entry is via the comment section on this post only. Entries via Twitter, Facebook, email or other platforms will not count.
  • One entry per entrant only.
  • Entrants must provide a valid email address.
  • Entrants must provide a name or pseudonym for publication in the event that they win.
  • The competition will close at noon UK time on Sunday 19th November 2023.
  • The winners will be announced here at shadycharacters.co.uk within thirty days of the close of the competition.

9 comments on “Win the Empire of the Sum audio book!

  1. Comment posted by Ian Miller on

    I’ve got yet to buy this book but will do so when I can.

  2. Comment posted by Roslyn Dy on

    I cannot wait to read or listen to this book!

  3. Comment posted by William M. Klimon on

    Looking forward to the book.

    1. Comment posted by Sebastian Pieczynski on

      Found this through smashing mag and types shown and used are beautiful. Hope to learn more from you.

  4. Comment posted by Piotr Kuczyński on

    “I can’t guar­an­tee that non-us, non-uk win­ners will be able to re­deem their down­load code — al­though equally, I have no evid­ence to say they won’t be able to re­deem them, either.”
    I volunteer to check it!

    1. Comment posted by Johnny Horth on

      Was not aware of this title until I saw your Twitter post

  5. Comment posted by Rafi Levavy on

    I am looking forward to this book

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